Prof. A.M. Agrawal
Dear Alumni,
Greetings to you!
We, at United university has always believed in ‘विद्या कल्पलतेव’- Education, like the roots of a tree, spreads fame in all four directions.
Since its inception, United University has always realized the significance of its own community, the ultimate importance of ‘Us’ as a team, as a family. United University has always aimed at promoting and sustaining future leadership, innovation, research and technology development.
Today, I am very proud of all my alumni’s achievements and contributions. I believe that an alumni play a very vital role in the growth and development of any educational institution. You are truly the brand ambassadors and flag bearers of United University.
United University is now paving its way to cherish the alumni relations by establishing an Alumni Relationship Cell (ARC). Our motive is to provide a platform to strengthen and cultivate our connections and align the contributions of our Alumni that support each other in multitude of spheres.
The UU Alumni Relationship Cell (ARC) has been working hard towards bringing us together and keeping us to stay connected. We appreciate the value of being there for each other and doing things together. I invite all of you, right from new graduates to senior alumni - to engage with Alumni Relationship Cell in as many ways as possible.
I look forward to active participation from all our alumnus.
Best wishes.