From The Desk Of Vice-Chairman

Mr. Satpal Gulati
I welcome you all to United University, a splendid ‘ Temple of Learning ’. In this millennium, world is characterized by technology and constant change. In order to survive and perform successfully in the modern day competitive environment, we have to constantly adapt to innovation and be prepared to update knowledge and skills through continuous learning all the time. I would like to congratulate you on choosing United University as an Institution in developing your career and realizing your dreams. You are entering into the arena of higher education where the future is full of opportunities.
At United University, we are dedicated to produce professionals who have the optimum mix of attitude, skill, culture and knowledge to adapt themselves to the emerging trends with confidence and pursue their chosen professions with comfort. Education is about much more than employability. It includes evolving with a different view, developing different perspectives and opening your mind to the enormous possibilities, and ultimately emerging as world class human resource.
The University offers you an intellectually challenging and rewarding atmosphere. It gives you the ability, self-confidence and the desire to go on learning for the rest of your life and to cope with new emerging and challenging situations. We at the University are firmly committed to excel in technical education and research, and are fully aware of the challenges of the future. It is our endeavor to ensure that every student's needs and expectations are fulfilled, thus enhancing the ability to acquire and apply knowledge. The University aims at facilitating and promoting studies, technology and research for achieving excellence in higher technical education. We provide a congenial environment for the holistic growth and all-round development of the students through suitably designed teaching learning processes.
Apart from strengthening the teaching-learning process, research and extension programmes, special focus on extra-curricular activities to foster global competencies among the students is our priority. We have a separate mentoring section and a Training and Placement Cell for the students. In addition to this, excellent sports and games facilities are available for the students to improve their health.
I welcome all the students who chose to be a part of this premier Institute. I am sure that you will feel proud on being associated with us and make us equally proud with your academic excellence and accomplishments.
I am sure that, this University would reach to the highest rank in a short span of time in our state. Come on let’s give our best and make this institution a modern temple of learning through our diligence, devotion and dedication.
Wishing you all the best…!
Mr. Satpal Gulati