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Faculty of Agriculture and Allied Sciences

Agriculture and Allied Sciences - United University Faculty of Agriculture and Allied Sciences is another applied discipline of higher education that aims to focus on all those areas of Agriculture and Natural Resources that need informative, formative, persuasive and holistic roles of humans blended with scientific and technological research.

Courses offered under this faculty have been proved to be the largest decision-oriented and problem-solving courses that involve technological intervention and its practice with Science and Human Capital addressing the desired changes and developments in the environment, health, agriculture, home economics, small industries and energy. Faculty of Agriculture and Allied Sciences at United University encourages proactive approach towards extension of rural development activities.

Programs offered

Labs and Workshop

  •  Agricultural Labs and Smart Classrooms
  •  Hi-Tech Nursery and Crop Cafeteria with Poly House, Drip Irrigation system and Mist Chamber
  •  Advanced equipments like RT PCR, PCR, Spectrophotometer (U-V), Flame Photometer, Fluorescence Microscope, Binocular Microscope, Compound Microscope, Automatic Seed/Grain Counter, pH meter, Hot Air Oven, BOD Incubator, EC Meter Autoclave, Automatic Seed/Grain Counter, Micro Kjeldahl Digestion & Distillation apparatus
  •  Well established Crop Museum for the identification of Crops, Seed, Weed & Agro-chemicals and Crop demonstration field
  •  Well equipped Research Farm with advanced agricultural equipments like Transplanter, Zero Tillage, Seed Drill, Working Models of MB Plough, Disk Plough and Indigenous Plough, Self-recording rain gauge, Sunshine recorder for field work and other agricultural activities.
  •  Facilities of Dairy and Poultry Units

Career Prospects

Careers in Agriculture make up one of the largest industries and sources of long-term employment in the country supplying us with a multitude of food products and alternative energies, among many other important resources for sustaining our country and contribution to the world economy. Many of the careers in the Agriculture industry are considered “Green Careers,” meaning that the careers are involved in preserving or protecting our environmental resources including farms, hatcheries, and nurseries. The ability to work independently in potentially isolating environments is also a good trait to possess.

Our Unique Features

  •  United University is established and administered by Shiv Ram Das Gulati Society registered under the Society Registration Act, 1992 in the State of Uttar Pradesh.
  •  Agriculture in India is the pivotal sector for ensuring food and nutritional security, sustainable development and for alleviation of poverty. It is the key sector for generating employment opportunities for the vast majority of the population. Today doubling the Farmers income has become one of the major focuses of Government of India specifically the vision of our Honourable Prime Minister to meet food security, sustainability and poverty reduction in India.
  •  Taking the above into consideration, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences & Technology is offering the UG, PG courses and research as per the ICAR fifth Dean Committee report (Indian Council of Agricultural Research 2010) in order to address the quality higher agricultural education. B.Sc. (Hons) in Agriculture is considered as professional degree and during this course students have attempt almost 109 courses with practical skill like agronomy, entomology, agriculture extension, Agroforesty/ forestry and biochemistry etc.
  •  On high degree of objectivity, students enrolled in the academic programmes are exposed to various technical training/ Excursion visit/ Agro-Industry/ Student READY programme/ In-Plant Training/ Internship/ Experiential Learning Programmes which enable them to develop skills in their respective fields.
  •  The teaching and research faculties of the University have highly qualified professionals/ Professors, trained in specialized areas of agricultural science and technology with several of them holding doctoral degrees from elite universities/abroad.
  •  United University is offering the "University Merit Scholarship" programme for meritorious students of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture & Post graduate courses in different discipline of Agricultural Science.
  •  Digital & Modern Library facilities with sufficient books, periodicals and research journals, internet with sufficient number of computers and availability of Wi-Fi, seating capacity, and subscription of different repute journals of national and international with availability of national magazines etc. University provides the book bank facilities to individual students' in each semester for better understanding of various course.
  •  To accomplish the objective, Faculty is using smart class rooms/interactive board etc. for teaching/ curricula delivery and practical. In addition to that having adequate number of class rooms upgraded as smart class rooms including audio-visual/ power point presentation (PPT) classes.
  •  Facilities of hi-tech and advanced equipment for practical classes with aim of “learning by doing” to conduct practical/hands on training. And also well-established crop museum for identification of crops seed, weed & agro-chemical. Hi-tech nursery and crop cafeteria with poly house, drip irrigation system & mist chamber etc. along with facilities of dairy & poultry unit.
  •  Facilities of advanced & hi-tech equipment like: RT PCR, PCR, Spectrophotometer (u-v), Binocular microscope, Hot air oven, BOD incubator, Compound microscope, EC meter autoclave, Automatic Seed/grain counter, PH meter, Flame photometer, Micro kjeldahl, digestion & distillation apparatus etc. for lab work.
  •  The students are given opportunities to select the courses to support their planned research activities, to register for online courses and to pursue internship for development of entrepreneurship during Masters’ programme. Further, the Teaching Assistantship has been introduced to provide experience to the Ph.D. scholars on teaching, evaluation and other related academic matters.
  •  Scientifically by way of planning, well-equipped Research farm with advanced agricultural equipment facilities like transplanter, zero tillage, seed drill, working models of MB plough, disk plough and indigenous plough, self-recording rain gauge, sunshine recorder for field work & other agricultural research activities. Crop demonstration field/ plot for exposure of practical classes & allied research.
  •  National/International Seminars/ Symposia/ Workshops/ Webinar have been initiated towards developing and strengthening skills, instincts, abilities and moral boosts of the students by highly specialized and knowledgeable speakers from CAU/SAU/Institute Organization/ Industry Experts and participation of students in Agri-unifest/ Agri-sports/ any other activities.
  •  B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture graduates have ample job opportunities in government sector. Simultaneously, university are in line for recruitment of agriculture students with lucrative packages in various private organizations that recruit Agriculture graduates/post graduate on regular basis viz. Agri-based reputed seed company like VNR Seeds Private Limited, Trimurti Plant Sciences Pvt Ltd. and Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. apart from above Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Dr. Reddy’s Foundation, APMAS, JEEVIKA (Bihar), Jharkhand State Rural Livelihoods Mission (JSRLM), BAIF are also associated to recruit our student in livelihood projects.